Inisync® Combination Tablets Now Available for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

November 29, 2016

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

20161130日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --日本制药巨头武田(Takeda)近日宣布在日本推出糖尿病复方新药Inisync,该药于今年10月获得日本监管部门批准,用于2型糖尿病(T2D)患者的治疗。Inisync复方片由固定剂量的Nesina(阿格列汀,alogliptin25mg)和二甲双胍(500mg)组成,每日口服一次。此次批准,使Inisync成为日本市场唯一一种每日口服一次的DPP-4和二甲双胍复方药。

Osaka, Japan, November 29, 2016 - Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited TSE: 4502“Takeda” today announced that Inisync® Combination Tablets, a fixed-dose combination of Nesina®generic name: alogliptin benzoate and metformin hydrochloride hereinafter “metformin”, is now available in Japan for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Inisync combination tablets combine 25 mg alogliptin and 500 mg metformin, which is orally administered once daily. Nesina is a once-daily dipeptidyl peptidase-IV DPP-4 inhibitor*, and metformin is biguanide that inhibits sugar production in the liver administered twice or three times daily. Both of them are widely used as therapeutic drugs for the treatment of diabetes. Inisync is the only combination administered once daily of a DPP-4 inhibitor and metformin in Japan.

The approval for Inisync was granted based on the efficacy and safety data in the existing clinical studies related to Nesina and the Phase III study for Inisync in Japan in which the compounds of this combination, Nesina and metformin, were concomitantly administered.

“Pathology and treatment of type 2 diabetes are complex and the needs of patients and the treatment options have diversified.” said Masato Iwasaki, Ph.D., Director and President, Japan Pharma Business Unit of Takeda. “We have launched the once-weekly DPP-4 inhibitor, Zafatek, last year. We continue our efforts such that our newly launched product, Inisync combination tablets can be utilized as a new treatment option and we continue to contribute to healthcare professionals and patients in Japan through therapeutic drug advances for the treatment of diabetes.”