North China Business Communication Conference of Pain & Digestive BU in 2019

The north China business communication conference was hold by Pain & Digestive BU of China Pioneer Pharma Holdings Limited in Pingyao Ancient City, a famous ancient city in Shanxi Province, from February 21 to February 23 in 2019. It was honored to invite Chunyi Luo, CEO of the group, to visit the meeting. Lei Qu, general manager of Pain &  Digestive BU, together with marketing department and sales department, carried out an in-depth communication on Difene® and Fleet® in a period of two days, including updating and deepening the knowledge of the two products, broadening and exploring the new marketing strategies of the two products, and summarizing and sharing the excellent sales experience from some provinces. Finally, after the cohesive activity of "Hand in Hand Treasure Hunting" in the ancient city, the conference achieved a complete success. Hope Pain & Digestive BU can strive together to achieve outstanding sales target in 2019.